
Richard Crooks.

Richard Crooks(UK)

Richard Crooks.
Richard Crooks.

Richard Crooks(UK)


– 略歴 –

Lightening the Load: Richard Crooks – Ceramic Arts Network

実践に対する場所の影響を個展‘Impressions from a Journey: Corsham – Dhaka – Corsham’から継続的に模索している。写真、コラージュ、ドローイング、粘土彫刻やデジタル3dプリントというような一連の結果になりうるまでに対話、取り替わりや鑑賞(認識)と解釈によってそれらの数あるイメージが書き換えられ、変化する様に形成されていく。ハサミと糊、紙だけで作られていくアナログなコラージュはこのイメージ像とそれらの余りによって作られている。それぞれ編み込まれ、破られ、積み重なり、被されて行く。定まるまで再印刷し、編集され破かれる事で新しい、ハイブリッドな想像上の建造物や場所が出来上がって行く。

– Biography –
Richard Crooks is an artist form UK. Whilst exhibiting his work throughout UK and Bangladesh he has also participated in residency programmes in Nepal and Bangladesh; along with curating, and teaching in the UK and delivering programmes on behalf of the British Council in Bangladesh. Next year he will start a new post with the United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Education as a Fine Art curriculum specialist.

A recent article appeared in the American print publication, Ceramics Monthly.

Lightening the Load: Richard Crooks – Ceramic Arts Network

Part of an ongoing investigation continuing from the solo show; ‘Impressions from a Journey: Corsham – Dhaka – Corsham’ exploring the impact of place on practice. Conversations, exchanges and the interpretations of observations inform the selection of imagery and the way in which these are transcribed and transformed in producing sequences of photographs, collages, drawings, clay sculpture and 3d digitally printed outcomes. Analogue collages are constructed from these pictures and from the remnants that are left after cutting, components are woven, slashed, layered, overlapped; reprinted edited and torn away until they rest – to form new, hybridised, imaginary structures and locations.

アーティストホームページ/Artist’s website
Instagram: richardcrooks1964